Halloween festivities in the planning

Hear that faint, distant howling? That’s a sign that this year’s Halloween party is getting closer. Vanessa Miranda, her son Michael, and Jessica Dauksza will again be coordinating it, and it’s promising to be a fun, multiday event.

Weather permitting, they' will be setting up their ghostly decorations in the ballfield on Saturday, October 28, which will stay up through Halloween. If you’ve seen the Miranda’s front yard lately, you’ve seen a preview of what’s planned.

Some eerie activities are also planned for that evening, followed by daytime activities and a potluck event on Sunday, October 29. Additional volunteers are always welcome, so let them know if you can pitch in to help or bring a potluck meal. Contact Vanessa at 845-642-0338 or vanessa.zmiranda@gmail.com.

Check back here for more details as their mysterious plans take shape.


After flooding, town will step up dam watch


Yoga update: The next class will be on Sunday, Oct. 8.